Category : News

New bands announced for Old Grave Fest 2016

Romanian Thrash Metal Club is proud to present two new bands confirmed for Old Grave Fest 2016, the 5th edition of the only metal festival in Romania organized by a fan club, for fans. As a nod to the invaluable influence of crust punk on the extreme metal we know and love, we have invited…

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ROCKOMOTIVA 2015 update – Proiectul Perfect: Timpuri Noi şi Partizan cântă împreună la Craiova

Timpuri Noi şi Partizan vor fi prezente la Craiova, pe scena Festivalului Studenţesc ROCKOMOTIVA, pentru un concert comun, în seara de 5 iunie. Concertul este al patrulea din seria de apariţii publice numite „Proiectul Perfect”, care îşi propune să spună povestea „Timpurilor Noi”, de la înfiinţare (1982) şi până în prezent. Pe aceeaşi scenă urcă…

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ROCKOMOTIVA, un festival nou la Craiova, cu TWILIGHT OF THE GODS cap de afis

ROCKOMOTIVA este un festival nou, care intra in productie la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor din Craiova, pe 5, 6 si 7 iunie 2015. Un festival nou, dar nu lipsit de pedigree: ROCKOMOTIVA preia traditia festivalului „Rock-Jazz-Folk”, organizat de CCS Craiova inca din 1979. Festivalul ROCKOMOTIVA este organizat de Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Craiova,…

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MH Concerts & Serbian Hellbangers presents SAINT VITUS and guests, live concert in Belgrade, Serbia

“SAINT VITUS will be reuniting with original vocalist, Scott Reagers, for this summer’s European tour. The band will play a special set mostly comprised of Reagers’ era Saint Vitus’ material. We hope that the Vitus family, fans and friends, are eager to revisit the Reagers sound for this tour.” When: 07 June 2015, 8:00 PM…

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Four more bands for this year’s edition of the Old Grave Fest

The Romanian Thrash Metal Club is proud to announce four more bands for this year’s edition of the Old Grave Fest. Club Fabrica will play host to the stalwarts of traditional, underground black metal, Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult (Germany), Hungarian thrashers Mörbid Carnage, along with the blasphemic death metal of Tyrant Goatgaldrakona,and Swedish doomsters Void Moon….

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