(pentru versiunea in limba romana mergeti mai jos) With a heavy heart we have to announce the cancellation of the Bombarder show at Romanian Thrash Metal Fest 3rd Edition – Old Grave Fest. Because of some personal problems of two of the band members Bombarder had to cancel their performance at the festival. We can…
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Tags: Old Grave Fest 2014, romanian thrah metal club, romanian thrash metal fest 3rd edition
Facebook Event @ https://www.facebook.com/events/356912264451128/ In data de 20.02.2014, Romanian Thrash Metal Club, in parteneriat cu Mighty Owl Productions si cu clubul B52 (str. 11 Iunie, nr. 50) va invita la editia cu numarul 15 a Urban Metal Nights, editie in care, pentru a se marca cum trebuie debutul colaborarii, va este propus un nume de…
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Tags: bucharest, bucuresti, club 52, concert, live, romanian thrah metal club, turbocharged, void forger
https://www.facebook.com/events/181284272081176/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular Pentru seara de 24 ianuarie 2014, incepand cu ora 21 (pana ne ia dracu), in Private Hell, Romanian Thrash Metal Club are placerea de a va prezenta o editie speciala Thrash It Black, speciala prin faptul ca va fi si Warm-up Party pentru concertul Iced Earth la Bucuresti, in care vor concerta in deschidere…
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Tags: romanian thrah metal club, thrash it black, warbringer, warm-up party