(Pentru limba romana mergeti mai jos) Romanian Thrash Metal Club is honored to announce the presence, for the first time in Romania, of one of the eldest and most influential bands in American and world metal. An acknowledged inspiration source for countless traditional and extreme metal acts, from DARKTHRONE or MESSIAH to SLOUGH FEG or…
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Tags: Old Grave Fest 2014, romanian thrash metal fest 3rd edition, tickets
(English version below) Romanian Thrash Metal Club are placerea de a anunta trei noi trupe care vor participa la Old Grave Fest (Romanian Thrash Metal Fest editia a 3-a), care va avea loc pe 10-11 octombrie 2014, in Club Fabrica, str. 11 Iunie nr. 50, Bucuresti. Trei din cele mai interesante trupe tinere ale undergroundului…
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Tags: 2014, bilete, bolzer, bucharest, Club Fabrica, concert, Desaster, extirpation, fabrica, grave, hellcannon, live, necrochakal, obsessor, old grave fest, presale, romania, Romanian Thrash Metal Fest, slaughtered priest, Sodomizer, tickets